Historic Free Catch Wrestling Demonstration July 2, in Bicknell Park

A free demonstration of catch wresting will be held at 2 p.m. on July 2, in Bicknell Park. The demonstration is being put on by Dr. Raul Ramirez, head of the Catch Wrestling Alliance in Los Angeles, and Roy Wood, longtime coach at the legendary Snake Pit in Wigan, England.

“This is an incredible opportunity for sports fans to learn about catch wrestling, the style made popular by Frank Gotch,” said Mike Chapman, author of several books on Gotch, and a movie screenplay currently making the rounds in Hollywood. “Catch wrestling has its roots in Lancaster, England, and the most important spot for learning the style was at the famous Billy Riley Gym in Wigan, which became known as the Snake Pit due to its demanding style of wrestling.” 

“Catch wrestling is all about wrestling, submissions, and toughness,” said Ramirez, who has won three tournaments in Wigan. “Roy Wood is the last successor of the famous Riley school and he has made it his life mission to keep alive this forerunner of combative wrestling. Iowa fans are in for a real treat when they see Roy demonstrate what this sport is all about.” 

“Wood is flying in from England to be part of the Frank Gotch World Catch Tournament and is deeply impressed with the historic significance of this event,” said Ramirez. Wood has been honored by many different sporting groups in Great Britain and has coached top amateurs in freestyle wrestling, as well as his work with catch wrestling. “In addition, having Roy here builds the bridge from Wigan to Humboldt, which is an amazing element to all of this,” said Ramirez.

Published by Raul Ramirez, L.Ac., Ph.D.

Physician, Catch Wrestler, Kickboxer, Vegan, Progressive

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